Simple,Cheap, & Fast.
What You'll Need:
A Mason Jar
Painters Tape
Spray Paint of Choice
Also Not Pictured/Optional:
Small Paintbrush
Acrylic Paint
Step One:
Cut the tape into desired shapes and Tape off where you don't want any paint to hit on the jar.
Step Two:
Place Mason Jar Upside Down on designated painting area(ie;Newspaper) and spray a full coat. Let Dry the recommended time on the paint and give it a second coat.
Step Three:
Once Dry, Carefully Remove the tape.
Now if your tape was anything like mine, there should be a little bit of blue paint fallout underneath. So Take your brush and acrylic paint and fill in as desired.
Eventually you should have something like this.
Not Perfect, But hey, If you like it, then who cares:)
Once I brought it up and added a few Brushes, This was the Finished Product!
NOTE: I added Clear Marbles into the mason jar to keep the brushes steady:)